22 November 2023


In a significant stride towards sustainable energy practices, the Galway Energy Co-operative (GEC) is poised to reveal its comprehensive Energy Master Plan at the Westside Resource Centre on Thursday, November 30th, at 7 pm.

Galway Energy Co-operative warmly welcomes the householders, local businesses and community organisations who participated in the energy audits. The broader community is also encouraged to attend and be part of this transformative initiative. The organisers GEC extend their gratitude to Galway City Council for its role in administering the plan and acknowledge their valuable support.

Geographically, the plan spans a substantial section of Galway City, with a particular focus on the Westside Area, which is currently witnessing multiple climate and decarbonisation projects. The report provides critical statistics for the local area, identifying opportunities for energy-saving measures for households, community groups, and businesses alike. Notably, the event introduces the "Warm Home Hub" initiative created to guide individuals through every stage of their home retrofit journey. The hub is located within the Westside Resource Centre delivered by the Net Zero Cities project.

EMP MapThe master plan showcases the region's potential to reduce fossil fuel energy consumption by over 30% by 2030. This event explores opportunities to enhance and save costs on fossil fuel heating, projecting a significant reduction in average household energy spending, ranging from 20% to a potentially transformative 50%. Going beyond individual households, the Energy Master Plan extends its reach to various sectors, including retail, offices, restaurants, pubs, hotels, warehouses, workshops/maintenance depots, industrial process buildings, community/day centres, schools and colleges, and sports facilities.

In addition to emphasizing financial savings, the unveiling outlines various retrofit measures, including support and grants available including community energy grants. The plan goes further, delineating low-cost or no-cost actions that, when combined, have the potential to achieve approximately 50% reductions in household energy expenditure.

The Galway Energy Co-operative is excited to host Energy Co-operatives Ireland, the architects of this impactful plan. Their presentation promises to illuminate numerous opportunities for the people of Galway, local organisations, and businesses to actively contribute to environmental preservation while simultaneously realising substantial cost savings.  All are invited to attend, learn how to potentially halve energy bills, and explore energy-saving alternatives with experts available to discuss retrofit plans using grants currently available from SEAI.

Join us on November 30th at 7 pm at the Westside Resource Centre for a glimpse into a more sustainable and cost-efficient energy future.


15 May 2023

Are you an SME offering energy storage solutions and are you thinking about entering the Dutch, Belgian, German, UK or Irish market? Or are you interested in the opportunities that entering a foreign market could offer for your business? Then these webinars are for you!

The flyer and the link to sign up is at: https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/steps-storage-of-energy-power-systems-in-nwe/news/5-steps-webinars-how-to-enter-the-energy-market/

The STEPS project offers a series of webinars in the coming weeks about entering new markets! Are you thinking about entering the Dutch, Belgian, German, UK or Irish market? Or are you interested in the opportunities that entering a foreign market could offer for your business? Or curious what new insights there are in the market you are operating in?

The series consists of 5 webinars. Each of the webinars zooms in on the local energy market of that country, shows the chances and opportunities for new businesses, and gives the opportunities to ask questions to local experts and other SMEs.
Interested? Check the date and time for the webinar of your interest on the flyer below and sign up via the QR code or the STEPS website.Here you can also find an informational slide deck for each of the countries that give additional information about the local energy market and opportunities.
You can also find additional details on LinkedIn and Twitter

16 July 2021

Read about how Voltfang, an SME based in Germany, are being supported by energy storage experts through the STEPSNWE EU project in this interview

28 June 2021

We are coordinating an Energy Master Plan (EMP) for Galway city. Our Request for Quotations was successful and the selected contractors are preparing the plan presently. The document will be launched when it’s complete, containing actions and recommendations for all sectors to reduce energy use and emissions. Keep an eye out here and on our social media accounts for news as it happens (facebook, twitter, linkedin).

This will be the first EMP that will fall into a community fund application with SEAI, who we are grateful to for financing the EMP.

25 June 2021

We joined forces with Medtronic and Glas to successfully install 11.5kW solar PV system at their facilities, with another 400kW planned!

23 June 2021

We are collaborating with stakeholders and residents in Westside with the aim for them to become a climate action lighthouse community. Through climate actions workshops, and energy audits of local buildings, we are coordinating an Energy Master Plan for Galway City. This Master Plan will guide Westside and Galway City towards decarbonisation.

23 June 2021

Hydroelectricity being produced right here on the Corrib? It could become a reality.

We have assessed the feasibility and one of our directors is currently building a turbine that will be useable in the Corrib and elsewhere.

More news on this as it’s tested here and over on our social media pages (facebook, twitter, linkedin)

18 May 2021

An exciting opportunity for energy storage innovators in North-West Europe to develop their technologies opens this month. The STEPS Business Support Programme works with small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and offers support to take their solutions from the test stage to market ready. Operating within North-West Europe (NWE), the free programme gives SMEs the opportunity to optimise their products and develop their technologies with real-life testing.

27 April 2021
  • Are you an energy storage solution provider in North-West-Europe that wants to bring their product to the market?
  • Do you want to get connected with end-users and demonstrate your technology at their testbed?
  • Do you want to get support from leading knowledge partners and network organisations in NWE?

The STEPS Business Support Programme is for you!

11 January 2021

A new business support programme for energy storage companies within North-West Europe launched this week. The STorage of Energy and Power Systems (STEPS) Business Support Programme will support small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in bringing their energy storage solutions to the market. As part of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) programme, the STEPS project aims to strengthen the collaboration and competitiveness of businesses in the region and lead NWE to the forefront of energy storage innovation.

About Us

Galway Energy Co-operative aims to be an advocate for provide clean, renewable energy and services for Galway City and the surrounding area. We commenced operation in 2018.

Read More About Us

Our Aims

Develop renewable energy to support climate change mitigation efforts

Democratise energy production

Develop local employment opportunities

Engage the knowledge, energy and expertise of the local community.