We held 2 events additional events in the Westside Resource Centre. The meetings gave free energy advice on how home heating bills can be reduced. The purposes of the meetings were to give people the tools to make energy bill savings (and help the environment) and to broaden the number of partners for the Westside SEC.

We now have a significant number of potential partners. While we have a significant number of householders and one public building, the Community Grant Scheme as set up by SEAI likes to attract diversity, especially form the commercial sector. If any commercial operators would like to engage with this project, they are welcome to do so.

About Us

Galway Energy Co-operative aims to be an advocate for provide clean, renewable energy and services for Galway City and the surrounding area. We commenced operation in 2018.

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Our Aims

Develop renewable energy to support climate change mitigation efforts

Democratise energy production

Develop local employment opportunities

Engage the knowledge, energy and expertise of the local community.