Galway Energy Cooperative is involved in STEPS - STorage of Energy & Power Systems in NWE. This is a Northwest Europe Interreg funded project which is very important for storage of renewables and for the future sustainability of Ireland, the UK and Europe.

The programme covers from 20kW to 2MW scale. A wide range of are included: battery storage, hydrogen technology, energy storage management and integration, P2G/P2H storage applications, mobile storage solutions, flywheels, and many more that could improve performance. The project aims to take eStorage solutions from test stage to market ready. Expertise to the SMEs participating is provided from the five participating Countries Ireland, Belgium, UK, Netherlands and Germany.

  • The first Voucher (worth 12.5k to awarded SMEs) went out at the start of the year. Four SMEs have been awarded Voucher 1 Support within Ireland and have commenced work. A second Voucher (worth 50k) will be awarded to half of the Voucher 1 SMEs with work starting in August (lasting 6 to 12 months).
  • SME’s who are not selected for the 1st Voucher Support are invited to apply again for the second call opening June 2021. 
  • If you have not previously applied to STEPs we invite you to apply.
  • Find out more about the STEPS project here.

Project Summary

STEPS will strengthen the competitiveness of NWE innovative storage providers by using a user-centric, demand-driven approach to bring products closer to market. STEPS will drive down the time energy storage SMEs typically spend on technology demonstration before reaching market maturity from an average of 5 years to 1-2, while maintaining maximum commercial usability.


More than 50 future end-user of storage will be trained on using a new tool to model their e-storage need with direct links to a portfolio of 250-300 solution providers from NWE. On the long-term, this will position NWE as a leading storage player, gaining up to the 30% of the market with more than 120 new e-storage solutions commercialised and leading to the generation of >1100 new jobs.

Key Information

EU Funding = € 3.04 m

Total Budget = € 5.06 m

About Us

Galway Energy Co-operative aims to be an advocate for provide clean, renewable energy and services for Galway City and the surrounding area. We commenced operation in 2018.

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Our Aims

Develop renewable energy to support climate change mitigation efforts

Democratise energy production

Develop local employment opportunities

Engage the knowledge, energy and expertise of the local community.